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Text 361-332-3099
MAGA is not Republican, it's not Libertarian, it's not Democrat. We are Americans who put our Country First. MAGA is a center right party, with emphasis on our Republic. Representing individual rights and freedom. All are anti-foreign war, anti-globalism, anti-big government, anti-Woke anti-cancel culture. We value freedom, prosperity, individualism, content of character, common sense and pride in our countries history, because we learn from our mistakes. That is what MAGA is...
Craig Christopher Cleveland
2026 Candidate for Congress Texas D-27

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I've written detailed platforms and policy ideas such as combining or eliminating overlapping government agencies. Embedding 1 border agent with 100 military personal to enhance presence and increase detaining power with the border patrol agent having authority to make arrests. Increasing ability to patrol our border at a minimal addition in cost. As well as many other cost cutting and reducing regulation policies

Contact Us Directly at 361-332-3099 or E-mail at

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